Sardahan Travertine Mine

Location: 103 km north of Isfahan.

Stone type: travertine.

Color: cream, walnut.

Apparent specific gravity: 2.59 tons per cubic meter

Moisture absorption coefficient: 2.27%

Pressure resistance: 630 kg/cm2.

Abrasion percentage: 30.6%

Extraction method: mechanized (diamond wire-cutting machine).

The set of travertine layers is chocolate and walnut in color due to the surface outline in the flat form.

The travertines of the Sardahan Region are of the stack-slit type in terms of shape and belong to the Quaternary time. Stack-slit type travertines consist of a central slit in which bonded travertine is deposited and adjacent bedded travertine. The formation of this complex is such that water saturated with calcium carbonate rises from the central slit and causes the travertine deposition in the slit wall and its sides. They are slightly curved in some cases, where the water flow rate rising from the central slit is high, the stack created has a low height and a large width, and in the place where the water flow rate is low, the travertine deposition around the central slit is more, and consequently, the stack height is high and its width is low.